Good environmental practices in the european extractive industry

Prix membres 8,00 €
Prix 10,00 €
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The access to resources is becoming a subject of concern for the producers of building materials, industrial minerals and mining substances.
The evolution in the way of life has led citizens to care more about their environment. Comfort levels become incompatible with industrial activities (home quietness against noises and perturbations occurring from industrial needs).

It is in this context that the guide on Good Environmental Practices in the European Extractive Industry has been published by the Société de l'industrie minérale (Sim), with the sponsorhip of the European union and other professionals.
It is a reference tool showing how the restoration methods and integration of quarries in their natural surroundings have improved. In many cases, it allows to give very satisfactory answers, which satisfy the neighbourhood.

Edition française disponible.

Année : 2001

Espace personnel


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